Does Cook-Wiss have a library?
Yes! We have a library and a volunteer librarian. K-3rd classes visit the library weekly, all other students are welcome to come browse and check out books during the week. The library was recently updated thanks to a prize that accompanied Principal Lowe’s Lindback Award for Distinguished Principals. It is designed to be a versatile community space that works for students in grades K-8.
What are the school hours at Cook-Wiss?
Cook provides before care in the schoolyard (or in the cafeteria during inclement weather) starting at 8:30am. This is a great chance to have your kids play outside before school starts. School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:29pm.
Are there before/after care opportunities?
Cook-Wiss staff supervise students in the school yard starting at 8:30am. Cook-Wiss does not have before care. However, one of the benefits of attending your neighborhood school is that many school friends live close by! Many Cook-Wiss families coordinate before care with each other. Kendrick Recreation Center, Northlight Community Center offer after care and pick up from Cook-Wissahickon.
Does Cook-Wiss offer athletics opportunities?
We currently participate in the following Middle Grades Athletic League sports for grades 6-8:Girls basketball; Boys basketball; Girls Softball; Boys baseball; Coed golf. There is a volleyball club for grades 6-8 and an intramural sports club for grades 3-5!
What clubs/activities are available after school?
Robotics; Intramural Sports Club; Volleyball club; Art Club; and Yearbook!
Does Cook have a MakerSpace?
Yes, inside the Trailblazer Makerspace, students in grades 3-8 use the 4Cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity) to explore a cross-curricular S.T.E.A.M. experience. Units blend the learning process across science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics objectives.The goal of the STEAM Makerspace is to give students an opportunity to reinforce skills through a student-led, project-based learning approach, providing a hands-on collaborative experience.
Will my student go to recess?
Students have recess daily and Cook-Wiss follows District guidelines on recess. There are separate playgrounds for kindergarten and 1-8, as well as basketball hoops, and seating areas.
What specials does Cook-Wiss offer?
Cook-Wiss offers music, art and gym to all students. Grades 3-8 also have STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arths, and Mathematics). Our music room is stocked with instruments, including drums and guitars. Art includes artist studies and ceramics! Our gym has a rock wall!
Does Cook-Wiss have any music opportunities?
We sure do! Cook-Wiss has drumline for grades 6-8; Choir for grades 3-8; String Instrumental Music violin and viola group lessons for grades 4-8; and Band for students in grades 4-8 (flute, clarinet, trumpet, or trombone). Cook-Wissahickon’s choir has performed at Temple football games! The school also has a Winter Showcase with grades K-8 and a school-wide musical every spring.
Does Cook-Wiss have a theater program?
Students participate in a musical every spring. Past musicals have included Beauty and the Beast and Frozen. Last year, students were invited to perform at the Walnut Street Theater!
Are there opportunities for extracurricular learning during the school day?
Yes! Students participate in: Koresh Kids Dance; Model UN; Cook-Wissahickon Gay-Straight Alliance; See me Imagine You Career Day; and much more!
Do students go on field trips?
So far, during the fall of the 2023-34 school year, trips have included the zoo, a farm, the Independence Seaport Museum, and the Academy of Natural Sciences.
What is the Wissahickon Sustainability Council?
The WSC is a 501(c)(3) organization created with the purpose of transforming the school and grounds into an environmentally friendly and more sustainable campus. The WSC consists of parents, teachers, neighbors, and local partners. They worked to depave part of the school yard and built raised planters, including the edible herb garden in the kindergarten school yard. The WSC planted the native meadow at the front of the school and an outdoor classroom tucked under the trees in our native meadow.
Does Cook-Wiss have a nurse and a counselor?
Yes. Cook-Wiss has a full time nurse and counselor.
Does CW offer Algebra I?
Algebra I is offered to 8th grade students who meet eligibility requirements as part of a cross-District Algebra program.
Is Cook-Wissahickon air conditioned?
Yes. Our building is fully air conditioned and our HVAC system was recently updated.
What is lunch like at Cook-Wiss?
Cook-Wissahickon has a full-service kitchen. All students can eat school lunch free of charge. The lunch menu is here: https://philasd.nutrislice.com/menu/cook-wissahickon-school.